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Newbie's Linux Manual
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What's it all about?

This manual takes a concise instructional approach to show you how to get specific things done in Linux. The unfortunate drawback to this approach is that it inevitably becomes - in part - distro-specific. In this case, towards Red Hat Linux.

Most of this manual is not distro-specific, so if you do use another distro then I still recommend checking out this manual (although ignore parts 2 and 3 of "The Installation Bits"). I've had much praise given to the manual from users of other distros so I must be doing something right. :)

Part 1 - Hands On

    The Installation Bits

  1. How Do I Partition My Hard Drive?
  2. How Do I Begin The Linux Installation Program?
  3. The No Nonsense Red Hat Installation Guide

    The Basic Bits

  4. Logging-in and Creating a User Account
  5. A Quick Introduction
  6. Temporarily Becoming root: The su Command

    The Command Line Bits

  7. Command Tutorial #1: cd & ls
  8. Command Tutorial #2: pwd & clear
  9. Command Tutorial #3: mkdir & rmdir
  10. Command Tutorial #4: cp, mv & rm
  11. The Command History

    The Disk Bits

  12. Accessing Disks: The /etc/fstab File
  13. Formatting Floppy Disks and Zip Disks

    The Net Bits

  14. Setting-up an Internet Connection
  15. Setting-up E-mail For KMail
  16. Setting-up fetchmail and Pine

    The Configuration Bits

  17. The Setup Utility

    The Customising Your Terminal Bits

  18. Putting Life Into Your Terminal
  19. Shortening All Those Huge Commands: Aliases
  20. Customising Your Login Message
  21. Changing Your Default Editor

    The Compression Bits

  22. Tar and Feathers - Without the Feathers
  23. Winzip or Linzip? - The zip and unzip Commands

    The Text Editor Bits

  24. Vi Survival Guide
  25. Emacs Tutorial #1: Basic Editing

    The Installing Software Bits

  26. RPM at the Terminal

    The Kernel Bits

  27. Upgrading Your Kernel

    The SysAdmin Bits

  28. Automating Things With Cron

    The Security Bits

  29. Forgot Your root Password?

    The Database Bits

  30. Introduction to MySQL

    The Programming Bits

  31. How Do I Create, Compile And Run a C Program?
  32. Introduction to PerlUPDATED! 2nd February 2000
Part 2 - Essential Theory Made Simple
  1. Lilo Explained
  2. The Kernel
  3. The Shell
  4. Files
  5. The X Window System
  6. Access Rights Intro
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