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The Daily Linux News Archive
October 1999
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31st October '99

Halloween VI: The Fatal Anniversary A perfect summation of the dastardly dealings of Microsoft and their toadies, on the first anniversary of perhaps their most embarrasing document ever. Many companies have sold their soul to the dollar demon, and deservedly paid the price. A must-read.

Eric S. Raymond -- Are You Ready For Burn All Gifs Day? On November 5th webmasters everywhere are going to convert every GIF on their site. Why? Because a low-life company called Unisys wants $5000 from every site that contains a GIF -- that's why!! Do your bit to protect our Net. Convert your GIFs to PNGs (or BMP, JPG), broadcast the fact that your site contains no GIFs, and point people to You can be sure that this site is going to do its bit. Are you?

30th October '99

Linux Gazette #47 Out Now! The latest edition of the "New York Times of Linux e-zines" - Linux Gazette - was released today, featuring the usual crop of interesting reading -- and plenty of it. Once again we get a few mentions. "Gee ma, we're famous." :)

29th October '99

Creative Labs To Embrace The Open Source Philosophy Now this is good news. Only 7 days back, I had for you the article "ATI Embrace Linux". And now Creative Labs - another hardware giant - is following suit. Things are definitely improving. Yet more proof that Linux is significantly changing the computing landscape -- and on a global scale.

Slackware 7.0 Released! The oldest Linux distro of them all - Slackware - is now out of beta, and it certainly sounds impressive. Featuring the 2.2.13 kernel, glibc-2.1.2, KDE 1.1.2, October GNOME, and XFree86 3.3.5, Slackware 7.0 is nothing if not bang up to date.

28th October '99

Dell Preloads Red Hat Linux Dell are so big, that basically anything they do is big news. This story is perhaps a little bigger than the norm. Rather than just include a copy of Red Hat with a server or charge extra to install it, Dell are now installing it at no extra charge. Well done Dell, you've got my vote!

Linux Shoot-Out CNET compares Red Hat 6.1 to Calderra OpenLinux 2.3.

27th October '99

Linux Development Kernel 2.3.24 Released Normally I won't mention the release of a new development kernel since it's not exactly big news (after all the majority of you are recommended by everyone, to stick with the stable version) but the truth is, nothing much happened today.

26th October '99

The Corel Linux Test Drive Oh dear, LinuxWorld's Nick Petreley is justifiably none too impressed with the beta release of Corel Linux. I've only seen screenshots of it, and whilst it looks nice, it sounds like Corel might have put Homer Simpson on the job.

WinLinux 2000 Installation Review It's been hyped as the first Linux to run from Windows, and has been downloaded from like there's no tommorow. Here you can read about the installation nightmare that is WinLinux 2000!

Intel To Market Red Hat Linux For Web Servers With Intel supplying the web servers, and Red Hat supplying the OS and Technical Support, this announcement raised Red Hat's share value by 12%.

Red Hat 6.1 Review A nice, quick review of Red Hat's latest release.

25th October '99

Don't Do It For Money An outstanding article, best one I've read in a long time, quick and to the point. This entire site comes highly recommended. It's clear they have "good" people working over at LinuxTopia. He couldn't be more right about the LinuxOne IPO either, such a sham it didn't bear thinking about.

Interview With Jon "maddog" Hall Great interview with Jon "maddog" Hall, Executive Director of Linux International and 100% Linux advocate. Anyone who's not aware of the great work Linux International do for the Linux community should take a read of this article.

24th October '99

Nothing Interesting to Report Despite my best efforts I couldn't find a single solitary thing work mentioning. It seems as though everyone but me takes Sundays off to relax. ;) Oh no wait, I upgraded my 2.2.5-15 kernel to 2.2.13 today, I wonder why ZDNet never covered that story? "What's the matter huh? Not important enough for ya? You people make me SICK!" (allegedly). ;)

23rd October '99

Mutt 1.0 Released! After all these years of using alpha and beta versions of the popular e-mail client Mutt, version 1.0 has finally been released!

"Feel Lucky, Tux?" Maximum Security Linux Now Available and Macmillan USA have teamed up to provide a Linux Security Suite to help protect your Linux machines from the ever more sophisticated cracker.

22th October '99

ATI Embraces Linux Many companies - hardware companies especially - could learn a thing or two from ATI.

21th October '99

New GNOME Documentation Project David Mason from Red Hat announces a, "newly organized, revitalized GNOME Documentation Project".

20th October '99

Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 - Release 3 A nice review of Debian's latest release -- Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 - Release 3, explaining why Debian are still using the 2.0.36 kernel and old software to make the stablest and most secure distro possible. Maybe that's why is powered by it?

19th October '99

2.2.13 Linux Kernel Released It's taken a while to arrive but it's here at last. It's likely there's many sites with details of the changes made to arrive at the 2.2.13 kernel, but I believe the above page to be the best presented and most thorough. (It's yet to be updated, but it'll be up in a few days from now.) You can download the patch here (675.5k), or the full source here (14.38Mb). Acquires With over 5 million page impressions a month and nearly 400,000 unique visitors per month, it's safe to say is a pretty big Linux site. Now with buying them over it's clear they want their piece of the Linux pie.

18th October '99

Compaq Tries Red Hat's Services On For Size Red Hat has signed a deal to provide technical support for corporate users of Compaq computers with Red Hat's version of the Linux operating system, the companies said today.

Amused With Linux An "amusing" story, revealing that the Queen's website - that had ran for years on Solaris - now runs on Linux!

17th October '99

Slashdot Reader Analyzes BBC Interview With Bill Gates Quite frankly this was the only piece of interesting news to occur today -- it's Sunday I suppose. I watched the 40 minute interview -- not bad. Aside from a few dodgy quotes from Bill like, "I think it's really hard to find things negative about Windows...", and, "I don't think at any time it [the growth of Microsoft] was motivated by wealth.", he actually came across as quite human, and at times quite charming. I only wish the interviewer had gotten onto the subject of Linux, but then Jeremy Paxman - whilst a brilliant interviewer that never pulls punches - is no technologist.

16th October '99

Slackware 7.0.0-pre1 Beta Released Fans of Slackware Linux will be interested to know that Slackware 7.0.0-pre1 Beta has been released. Slackware 7 is clearly a huge improvement over its predecessor (Slackware 4) in both speed and features.

15th October '99

Caldera OpenLinux 2.3 LinuxWorld's Nick Petreley takes a look at the latest version of OpenLinux, 2.3. Here's what he has to say: "Put simply, Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 was a work of art -- but Caldera OpenLinux 2.3 is a masterpiece."

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